Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Internet and Who Turns Me On

My impression of the internet:

"OH MY GOD! (Insert celebrity name here) has been cast in a movie that I potentially want to (and will anyway) see. And I don't like the choice (even though I haven't seen the flick, and will anyway even just to fill my hate tank) and I am boycotting it (no I won't. I'll still go see it and judge it accordingly. But if it ends up good, then I will sing its praises and judge those who naysayed it before and after the fact)."

"OH MY GOD! I HATE (insert commercial, band, singer, TV show, sport, sport team here) AND EVERYONE THAT LIKES THIS SHOULD DIE!"


"OH MY GOD! (Insert name of person they randomly ran into and pissed them off for a second during their day and they will likely never see them again. But still felt the need to come onto social media to rant and rave about this person to "friends" and strangers) pissed me off today! I hate everything! FML (abbreviation for "fuck my life," which is used entirely too much. From simply dropping your pastry on the floor to a full blown car breakdown on a freeway).

"OMG! I HATE (insert celebrity name and thier doings here. Even though this person ranting will never meet said celebrity, nor will this celebrity and their doings while on Earth will not effect this person and their own back porch in the slightest possible way. BUT they still feel the need to put in their two cents on what they think about them to the world... because they can)."



"I HATE!!!!!!!!"


You know who turns me on? People who post things they like. Even if I don't agree with them (or what they like isn't my cup of tea), I just dig that they are passionate about something, and are willing to share it.

You know who I enjoy? People who created something, and are telling the world about it.

You know who I love to read about? People who don't just post negative ALL... THE.... TIME.

The world is farrrrr too negative 100% of the time. I get scared when people talk about the idea that guns should be legal across the board. Because with as random and mad as people get at strangers, I'd hate to think of how many murders would happen in one day. And believe me, I'm counting myself in that too. There are many times in traffic where I am so mad at a complete stranger that I could picture myself shooting their tires out, just because I could... if I could. So I don't trust myself!

The human race cannot be trusted. We cannot take care of each other. And we focus on things that are not important. Rant and raves about entertainment and pop culture. Things beyond our control. People who have their own lives in a far away place and do not effect you or your loved ones AT ALL.

It just amazes me the wasted time and energy on these things, when they could easily be ignored as if it were a fallen stick on the side of your path in the woods. A stick that is insignificant and looks like every other one around it. Rather, spend that time and energy CREATING. Drawing. Painting. Making Music. Dancing. Quilting. Crocheting. Reading. Learning. Coloring. Sewing. Writing. Playing. Making memories. Travelling. Seeing things you've never seen. Talking with people you never talked to before. Trying a new food or drink. LIVING LIFE.

What do I love? When I find someone in a creative field of some sort and I try to look them up and they are not on social media. Or if they are, they are only promotional posts or sales posts. I hunger to be like them because I know they are off living their lives and creating in the process. And soon I will see what they are working on, when its ready. they don't have to verbally jerk off everyday. They just live. I wish I could be that way too. 

One of my favorite Pink Floyd lyrics: "The paper holds their folded faces to the floor and every day the paperboy brings more." Seems every day I wake up, there's some "big news" that everyone is ranting about. Everyone HAS to have an opinion on this or that. Everyone has to beat the other person to the joke. Everyone has to see what everyone is saying about it. Everyone has an idea about what would work and not work in every situation, every TV show, every movie, etc. It gets EXHAUSTING.

You know what turns me on? People who DON'T KNOW. Or better yet, don't give a fuck. And not in your face about not giving a fuck, but just not giving a fuck. Just focused on their own plate. Their own back porch. They ignore the fallen sticks outside their path. And I fear that we are raising a generation of kids who are very disconnected. They don't know how to play outside anymore. They can't talk to each other and if they do, its through social media and only about things they hate. And I lump myself in there too. I am far from perfect at these things. But I have got better. I understand fighting on a facebook thread about a political arguement is not going to change the mind of the ignorant. All I can do is post news, inform and make my voice heard at the booth and hopefully keep people awake and aware of what is going on around them. To keep them unsedated.

I want to keep telling people about the cool things going on. A great song that they've never heard. A cool thing that is coming. People doing great things. I share it when I see it. You dig through the mud and hate to find those shiny diamonds and you share them. The people who dig with me are the ones who turn me on. We rock the journey.

I have filtered lots of people out of my life who were main offenders of these things I mention. And I continue to do so. I continue to wrestle with social media and swear I will quit it over and over. But when I interact with my fellow diamond diggers, I forget the people that only focus on the anger and it makes it worth it. Plus, I need it as a "tool" for my work. I deal with it, essentially. But when I find those with me on the journey, it makes it all go away. So cheers to those who are the diggers and not the slingers.

Just a thought for your day as you interact. So off you go into the world. Do you keep focusing on the things wrong with your little world, or do you start digging with us? You are invited. Because while you are ranting about things that don't matter at all, people are beating you to the punch and you'll always be running to catch up and bitter that you didn't make it. You never flew. You just got stuck in the mud... Like a stick. Forgettable. Insignificant and in the way of someone else's path.

Keep searching. \m/ (and I say all of this with peace and love, peace and love)


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