Thursday, October 09, 2014

Recent Stuff Absorbed

So it seems in my boredom with the wife gone, I've finally started cutting things down in my Netflix que to watch. Just a bunch of movies and TV shows I keep putting off. Here's a list of some of the stuff I've watched this week:

Airplane 2 - A classic. Watched this late one night cause I wanted something I could ignore. Did the trick

Airheads - Its been a while since I saw this flick. I forgot Lemmy was in it for a millasecond. I say this movie still kinda holds up. Way better than Empire Records did.

Nymphomaniac Vol 1 - Lars von Trier's new arty film about a nymphomaniac. I found it VERY slow paced and I skipped through half of it after about an hour and change in. Maybe I just wasn't in the mood for some art film style of watching. I don't think I can recommend it based on what I saw, really. But maybe if I have 6 hours to kill and want to watch the whole thing (not very likely on the time aspect) I'll give it a shot in the future.

Doctor Who - Finally cuaght up with the new season and its good, but I'm trying to figure out when they will end this season long arc of the Doctor being all dark and indifferent. I gotta imagine its turning people off. But I'll see till the end of the season to see how it all plays out.

South Park - New season started and its okay. I haven't watched the newest one though.

Family Guy/Simpsons Crossover - It was okay. But coulda been muuuuch better. Don't know what I was really expecting though.

Jay & Silent Bobs Cartoon Movie - Honestly, I didn't make it 30 minutes into this. The animation really didn't grab me and the jokes weren't that great. Bummer. I wanted to like it.

Sherlock - Watched Season 3 finally. Very great as always. I am a total Cumberbitch.

Night Gallery Pilot - I had forgotten I saw parts of this as a kid. The first part stars Roddy McDowell (one of my top 5 favorite actors) and a scary story about a painting. I remember how it fucked me up a bit as a kid. Very "Monkey's Paw" in feel. I loved it. Its on youtube, watch it!

Star Trek Animated Series - I showed the kid some of these. We watched a couple episodes I watched years and years ago but barely remember. I should sit down and watch them all really.

But the biggest thing I've been watching is THE MUNSTERS. I am beyond late to the table on this one. I casually saw it as a kid but wasn't into it. I decided to finally sit down and give it a shot like I recently did to M*A*S*H. Boy am I glad I did. I am in love with the show. A lot of the same actors pop up from Trek and Batman of the era. I'm only about 10 episodes in but I am savoring the experience. Really dig it. Perfect for the Halloween spirit!


On the work front, I have been working on cards and coloring Starslam at the same time. Everyday I am doing something on either one. Good pace. My dizzyness spells seem to have went away. No idea what it was. Maybe my blood pressure has gone down. Maybe I had some inner ear or vision crap that was bothering me. No clue. Just glad its gone!

This weekend I gotta take my stereo receiver in for repair or replacement. Hope its not expensive. Also I gotta work the night job Fri-Sat, so my sleep will be off again. We shall see how I recoop from that once again.

Thanks for checking in folks. Make sure you are keeping up with my MORNING SHOW PODCASTS to get my day to day talkings and bitchings. Easier for me to talk there than to type. Sometimes anyway...

Cheers! T

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